Con il 91.6% di voti favorevoli gli associati della St. Mirren Independent Supporters Association(SMISA), il Supporters’ Trust del St. Mirren FC(Video), hanno dato il via libera alla proposta di rimodulazione dell’operazione di acquisizione graduale del club da parte dei tifosi che sarà anticipata e completata entro la fine del 2021.

L’associazione di tifosi aveva pianificato con l’azionista di maggioranza, e attuale presidente del club, Gordon Scott, un processo di graduale ingresso nella compagine scozzese da parte della SMISA, partito nel 2016 con la campagna #BuyTheBuds, che avrebbe condotto il 71% delle quote della società nell’arco di dieci anni sotto il controllo del Supporters’ Trust locale, ora al 26%, ripagando periodicamente il prestito di circa 1 milione di sterline garantito da Scott nel processo di acquisizione della società.

Con il via libera alla nuova proposta invece i tempi si accorceranno grazie alla partnership strategica costruita dalla SMISA con con la Kibble, organizzazione no profit impegnata nel sociale a supporto dei giovani con programmi educativi e di integrazione, che parteciperà nel capitale sociale del St. Mirren FC con il 27.5%, acquisendo immediatamente la quota da Scott. La SMISA completarà l’acquisto delle rimanenti quote di Scott entro la fine del 2021 raggiungendo il 51% della proprietà del club, lasciando all’azionista di maggioranza uscente la carica di presidente del St. Mirren FC.

St Mirren will become fan owned by the end of next year after SMISA members overwhelmingly backed plans to do so via a unique partnership with Kibble. Via

We thank everyone who cast their vote over the past fortnight on our proposals. Voting closed at noon today and the results are as follows:

YES – 782 votes (91.6%) / NO – 72 votes (8.4%)

Turnout: 854 votes (71.9% of all members, includes nine postal votes)

The results have been verified by Alan Russell, Chief Executive of Supporters Direct Scotland, whom we thank for his assistance.

The proposals on which you voted were developed over many months of discussion between ourselves, Kibble and St Mirren.

We put them forward because of our belief they offer the best possible future for our club – by securing fan ownership in a way which could move St Mirren to the next level, on and off the park, while growing it as a force for good within the Paisley community.

We are proud of and excited by what this deal makes possible for our club, and are pleased it attracted such overwhelming support.

All involved will now look to complete the legal formalities and of the deal, which will allow Kibble to buy their stake in the club from Gordon and start working with the club board to bring their expertise to the club very soon.


SMISA chair and Paisley’s MSP George Adam said: “This is a historic and proud day not just for our club but for everyone in Paisley.

“We started the journey towards fan ownership four years ago because we knew there could be no better people to safeguard St Mirren forever than the ones who will care for it most…the fans.

“This deal agreed today not only delivers that ahead of schedule but it strengthens it – our partners Kibble will help the club grow, as a business and as a force for good in the Paisley community.

“The overwhelming nature of the vote shows the extent to which SMISA’S members have bought into what this partnership will create – and we are excited by the possibilities for St Mirren.”


Kibble chief executive Jim Gillespie said: “With Kibble’s roots in Paisley stretching back almost 200 years, this deal brings together two of Paisley’s oldest organisations.

“We are thrilled SMISA’s members have given us such a show of support and we plan to repay that by working together with SMISA, Gordon and the rest of the St Mirren’s board and staff to see where our expertise can help the club move forward.

“Crucially, this partnership will help change the lives of some of the most vulnerable young people in Scotland – by allowing us to step up our young workforce development programme to provide training and job opportunities based around the club’s facilities and operations.”


St Mirren chairman Gordon Scott said: “When I took over as chairman four years it was always with the aim of passing the shares to the fans when the time was right.

“That day will arrive much sooner than we initially planned – but I believe this the right model, with the right partner, to build on the good work the current board has already done, and take St Mirren to the next level on and off the park.

“The new expertise Kibble will bring will allow us to find new ways to bring income into the club, and I and others on the board can’t wait to get started on working with them to do that.”

Foto: Sky Sport

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