AFC Wimbledon, lanciato il ‘Plough Lane Bond’ per finanziare il nuovo stadio

Continua la ricerca di risorse da parte del Community Club AFC Wimbledon(Video) per finanziare la costruzione del nuovo stadio a Plough Lane con il lancio del ‘Plough Lane Bond’. Deciso sforzo del Dons Trust, l’associazione di tifosi che controlla il club, per evitare di dover cedere parte delle quote del club per ottenere le risorse per completare il ritorno a casa.

Dopo la campagna di crowdfunding LeadUsHome,che ha raccolto poco più di 2 milioni di sterline, mancano ancora 11 milioni di sterline per far fronte alle spese per la realizzazione finale del nuovo impianto, il Community Club ha quindi lanciato, attraverso il Dons Trust, il ‘Plough Lane Bond’, un’obbligazione di taglio minimo 1000 sterline disponibile su diverse scadenze, sottoscrivibile da tutti i tifosi e appassionati per supportare la società londinese nel proprio progetto. Obbiettivo almeno 5 milioni di sterline per poi poter contrattare un altro finanziamento commerciale a migliori condizioni per sostenere le quota di spesa rimanente.

Le caratteristiche del bond:

  • Bonds available on 5, 10 and 20-year terms
  • Interest rates from 0 – 4% paid annually
  • Available from a minimum investment of £1,000
  • Capital repaid at end of the term* *Subject to terms and conditions


About the Bond(via

AFC Wimbledon needs money to finish the stadium construction and this Bond is the best mechanism for the Dons Trust to provide it. Or at least part of it. And we need your help to raise that money.

Since the club was reformed in 2002 as a reaction to the franchising of Wimbledon FC to Milton Keynes, AFC Wimbledon has been proud to be fan-owned by the Dons Trust – a one-member: one-vote democratic supporter organisation.

Against all the odds, the fan-owned club rose again from the depths of non-league football and into the Football League for the second time. It has award-winning community schemes, the charitable Wimbledon Foundation and a plethora of coaching and education courses.

Now, with a return back to Plough Lane on the horizon, there is a funding shortfall. £11m of funding needs to be in place before the final construction contract can be signed in February 2020.

In order to keep the club under majority fan ownership and fan control, we are looking to make up this £11m in two parts.

Much of it we hope will come from The Plough Lane Bond, with improved commercial lending terms for the remainder.

The more the Bond raises, the better the terms that are available for the commercial lending.

If the Bond raises £5m, then this will be a huge help in raising the remaining £6m required in commercial debt.

If the Bond raises more than £5m, then a smaller commercial lending portion can happen at even better terms.

Every Bond sold helps.

When we carried out our survey to see if there was interest in a Bond, fans replied that they would invest more than £3.5m. But we think we can raise even more that, providing a return for bondholders while being a total gamechanger for the stadium financing.

More fans and experts are making progress on the commercial lending side, but the Bond offer needs everyone to work together.

The more each bondholder loans, for as long as possible and at as low a rate of interest as they can accept, the better the picture will be.

And the quicker a high level of Bond take-up is combined with commercial funding, the sooner we ensure the stadium gets built on time.

We are aiming to fund the stadium using our own resources and keep the club fan owned.  So we need to move fast.

So our initial deadline is 14th February. Help us keep control of our club as we Bring The Dons Home.


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